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Using the FTP Method
Download the compressed theme package from ThemePacific and extract the theme ZIP file
- In the extracted folder you will find '' or ''.
Using your FTP client like FileZilla, upload the Extracted SilverMag folder into the /wp-content/themes/ folder on your server. This may be difficult for some users.
Now, Go to WordPress dashboard and Activate the Theme in Themes page.
Using the WordPress Method(Recommended)
Please Extract the Theme Zip file from the Downloaded Theme Package and upload that Zip file. Don't Upload the entire Downloaded Theme Package.
- Login to your WP Dashboard and then Navigate to Appearance > Themes .
- Now click on the "Add New" Link.
- Then, Click on the "Upload" button, Choose the file called
- Click the "Install Now" button.
- Activate the theme
Demo data will create Silver Mag Demo like site. So Don't use this file, if you have blog already.
Silver Pro Theme theme comes with demo data xml file, it includes the sample posts and images to get start your theme.
Go to Dashboard > Tools > Import > WordPress
- Install the plugin.
- Then browse and import the demo_data.xml file
Theme supports 2 WP Nav menus. You can setup the Nav menus here, WP Dashboard > Appearance > Menus. To setup a new menu, check the screenshot below
- Login to the WordPress Dashboard.
- From the 'Appearance' menu on the left-hand side of the Dashboard, select the 'Menus' option to bring up the Menu Editor.
- Select Create a new menu at the top of the page
- Enter a name for your new menu in the Menu Name box
- Click the Create Menu button.
Add House Icon

- Go to Appearance > Menus. .
- Next, Click the Screen Options link in Right side top area. There Tick the checkbox on the 'Show Advanced menu properties'
- In the Links section, Add your Home URL and Click Add menu. In that menu box, You can see the CSS Classes (Optional) textbox. In that textbox, add the menu-home to show the home icon
- Click Save Menu

- Go to SilverMag Pro Settings Panel.
- In General Settings tab, under the Custom logo,Click Upload and Select your logo image to upload.
- Save settings
- In the Silver Mag pro Settings Panel, Go to Ad banners and Click the Show Button to Add header banner or Ad code.
- You can directly Upload your banner Ad Image 728 x 90 size or 468 X 60
- You can also add the Adsense like Ad code too in Ad banner section
Homepage content organizer has the drag and drop option to enable/disable the web elements in this theme.
The organizer will look like the following screenshot and follow the instructions provided in the screenshot.

Here, You can setup the HomePage with different options and settings. Magazine Block sections are linked with Magazine style Widgets. You can add many Magazine styled widgets to make your site unique style.
This demo screenshot shows the different sections in the Homepage which is setup via the Silvermag Settings Page(Above Screenshot). Like this You can make 3 more different HomePage styles and attract your visitors unique style.

The HomePage slider offers variety options to choose. You can show Recent Posts in slider, Category posts in slider or Create Your own Sliders using multiple Post and Page IDs
- Go to SilverMag Settings Panel > Home Settings tab .
- In HomePage Slider section, Turn On the Slider
- Select a Category or choose Recent posts options to show latest posts in slider.
- If you want to use Theme Slider Options Page IDs, choose the Select a Category, then Add the Post or Page IDs
- You can get the Post ID of the post when you edit the Post
Theme Uses the Images from Featured Images that is Sliders, Widgets, Posts all are using Featured image. You must set featured image for all your posts.
Full width Page can be achieved by using the Page Templates. When you add/edit the single page, choose the Full width Page as Your page template from Default template option.
Now,the current page will displayed in the Full Width
You can easily convert the Single Post in to multiple pages. To do that, switch text Tab in WordPress editor and add the following code to create multi page post

- It's pretty simple to add your Google Analytics code your site.
- Copy the Analytics code and Go to WordPress -->Silver Mag Pro --> General Settings Tab.
- Paste your Google Analytics or any tracking code in Tracking code Text box.
- Click Save Changes.

Add an image Banner Advertisement
- Go to SilverMag Panel > "Ad Banners" tab
- Three types of Ad sections available : Header Ad, Single Post Ad (Top, Below)
- TO show Ad section, Click Show
- Upload Ad image via Upload Button
- Enter the Ad Url in the Ad code Text Area
Add an Ad code (Adsense or any code)
- Go to SilverMag Panel > "Ad Banners" tab
- TO show Ad section, Click Show
- Add the Ad code like Adsense code
- Click 'Save Changes'
We have include following Custom style Stunning Widgets to improve the Blog desing and User experience.
- Recent Post With Thumbnails
- Category Post With Thumbnails
- Category Post With Thumbnails Style 2
- Popular Posts With Thumbnails
- Newsletter subscription Widget
- Latest Tweets Widgets
- Login Widget
- Flickr Photo Stream Widget.
- Facebook Fanpage Widget.
- Google+ Circle us Widget.
- Slide Tabs widget(Popular, Recent, Tags)
- Ads Widget(Many sizes supported)
- Featured Video Widget
- Carousel Widget
- Social Network Widget
In Widgets Page,
- Drag and Drop our ThemePacific Widgets in Appropriate Sectioons like Sidebar Section, Magazine Style Widgets section and Footer Widget section.
- All Our Wigets will have "ThemePacific" prefix. You can easily identify them.
- Save the Widget
Footer comes with 4 footer blocks. In those 4footer blocks you can install our widgets. Just drag and drop the widgets from widget panel to Footer Block1 and Footer block 2 and Footer block 3,4.

This theme has localization support by including .po and .mo files. So that You can utilize this and translate to your language by using the POEDIT Application.
This theme has language files in Languages folder inside Silver Pro Theme folder.

Follow the instructions to translate this theme,
- Step 1: Download POEDIT Application and install the same.
- Step 2: Find the Default.po file in the Languages folder of Silver Pro Theme Theme. open this file using POEDIT Application.
- Step 3: Just click the text you need to translate and enter your translation in the spcified window.
- Step 4: Save the .po file with your language and country code.
For example, if your language is French and France is your country of residence, your code will be fr_FR. Get your country and language codes by using the links. Your .po file should be saved like fr_FR.po. Your .mo file will be automatically created.
- Step 5: Replace the old .po files with new one in Silver Pro Theme languages folder.
- Step 6. Next edit your wp-config.php file in WordPress directory.
Find the following code in wp-config.php
define('WPLANG', '');
and replace with your country and language name like example i said.
define('WPLANG', 'fr_FR');